PDM - Power Direct Marketing
PDM stands for Power Direct Marketing
Here you will find, what does PDM stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Power Direct Marketing? Power Direct Marketing can be abbreviated as PDM What does PDM stand for? PDM stands for Power Direct Marketing. What does Power Direct Marketing mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in Mission Viejo, California.
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Alternative definitions of PDM
- Product Data Management
- Product Data Management
- Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual
- Product Development Management
- Product Data Manager
- Precedence Diagramming Method
- Program Decision Memorandum
- Power Distribution Module
View 96 other definitions of PDM on the main acronym page
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- PMC Park Manufacturing Corp.
- PRC Precision Roof Contractors
- PTC Parker Towing Co
- PNO Project No One
- PCG Partners for the Common Good
- PRC Presidio Residential Capital
- PSG Platinum Storage Group
- PJLL The Partnership for Jewish Learning and Life
- PPF Primary Partners Financial
- PLS Paradigm Language Support
- PUM Paranormal Underground Magazine
- PSI Pipeline Success Inc.
- PGE Preferred Global Equipment
- PCM Persepolis Capital Management
- PDMTG PDM Tourism Group